This Earthlight range of work is Paul’s observation and statement on where we are in the conflicting debates on the resource management of our planet. These sculptures placed in the landscape with an aspect to the rising or setting sun are powerful visions. Their intent is to question the western environmentalist paradigm.. A qualified observation is that our world would be a very different place to live without the mineral extraction that has contributed to our modern lives. Everything we consume is from the earth (mined, grown or from the ocean). However this industrialisation and modernism has been historically reckless with no real consideration of the environment.
For example, without mining there would be no trains, planes, automobiles, Internet, computers, phones, no cancer scanners or man on the moon, but it has come at a cost. These Earthlight pieces make a statement, They are from the earth and the composition is made up of, slate, silica, steel, lead, crystal et al. They display the earth’s bounty in a beautiful and powerful way, but at the same time providing a portal through them for us to consider the impact on the environment. Each piece is unique and comes with its own narrative.